Hire Freelance CRO Specialist

Looking to boost your online presence and conversion rates? I’m Naman Modi, a seasoned freelance CRO Specialist, dedicated to elevating websites through expert CRO strategies. I understand the intricacies of online marketing, and my focus is to help you achieve your business goals efficiently and effectively. With extensive experience as a Remote CRO Consultant and Landing Page Optimization Specialist, I tailor each project to your unique business needs. Trust in my proven skills to not only meet but exceed your digital expectations, transforming your website into a high-performing asset.


Why Hire Naman Modi for CRO Services?

I pride myself on being your go-to choice for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

  • Personalized Attention: As a freelance CRO specialist, I takes a personalized approach to every project. I understand that each business is unique, and I tailor my strategies to align perfectly with your brand’s requirements and goals.
  • Flexibility: The digital landscape is dynamic, and so is need of businesses. I offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing me to adapt my CRO strategies and approaches to meet your evolving requirements. Your success remains my top priority, and I’m ready to adjust my course to ensure I achieve it.
  • Uncompromising Quality: Quality is the cornerstone of my approach. I believe that effective CRO should not come at the cost of quality. As top freelance conversion optimization expert, I provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on the excellence of my services. Your brand deserves nothing less than the best, and that’s exactly what I deliver.
  • Expertise: With years of experience in the field of CRO, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project. I stay at the forefront of industry trends and best practices, ensuring that my strategies are effective and up-to-date. When you choose me, you’re partnering with seasoned professionals who understand the intricacies of Conversion Rate Optimization.
  • Direct Communication: Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration. When you work with me, you’ll benefit from direct, transparent communication. I ensure that you have a clear understanding of my strategies, progress, and results. Your insights and feedback are always welcome as I work together to achieve your CRO goals.

Choose me as your trusted CRO partner, and experience the difference that personalized attention, flexibility, and quality can make in optimizing your conversion rates.

Boosting Conversion Rates: Your Ultimate Destination for CRO Services

Welcome to a comprehensive range of Conversion Rate Optimization services. I am your ultimate destination for enhancing your website's performance and boosting conversion rates.

Adjustment and Optimization

Landing Page Optimization

Landing Page Optimization is the cornerstone of a high-converting website. Learn how I can fine-tune your landing pages to drive better results and lead to higher conversions.

Freelance Logo Design Icon

A/B Testing & Multivariate Testing

Multivariate Testing and A/B Testing are necessary for data-driven decision-making. Discover how I can help you uncover what works best for your website and improve its conversion rates.

Link Analysis

Conversion Funnel Analysis Services

Conversion Funnel Analysis is a key to understanding where visitors drop off in the conversion process. Learn how I can identify bottlenecks and improve your conversion rates.

Optimization UI

User Experience (UX) Optimization

User Experience Optimization is central to keeping visitors engaged and driving conversions. Discover how I can enhance your website's UX for better results.

Professional Graphic Design Services Icon

Conversion Funnel Analysis

My Freelance Landing Page Optimization Specialists meticulously fine-tune landing pages to ensure they are compelling, user-friendly, and conversion-focused. This step is vital in maximizing your ROI.

Brochure Design Services Icon


I put the optimized strategies into action. Whether it's tweaking your website, improving the user interface, or enhancing your conversion funnel, I ensure seamless implementation for consistent quality.

The Process: Seamless Collaboration from Start to Finish

My Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) process is designed to deliver consistent quality and results. I follow a systematic, step-by-step approach to ensure your business achieves its conversion goals.

Customised Technical SEO Services

Initial Consultation

My journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where I gain a deep understanding of your brand, objectives, and target audience. I, including my Freelance Landing Page Optimization Specialists, listen attentively to your goals and aspirations to align my CRO strategies with your vision.

Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis

Understanding your audience is crucial. I conduct thorough audience research, including Freelancer for Conversion Funnel Analysis, to identify the behavior, preferences, and pain points of your target customers. This data informs my optimization strategies.

Strategy Development Icon

Strategy Development

Based on the insights gathered during consultation and audience analysis, I craft a customized CRO strategy. My strategy outlines the key areas for improvement, such as A/B testing and landing page optimization, to enhance user experience and boost conversions.

Design & Development Icon

A/B Testing

My Remote A/B Testing Freelancers create and execute A/B tests to compare different versions of web pages or elements, allowing me to identify the best-performing variations and optimize accordingly.

Optimization Icon

Landing Page Optimization

My Freelance Landing Page Optimization Specialists meticulously fine-tune landing pages to ensure they are compelling, user-friendly, and conversion-focused. This step is vital in maximizing your ROI.

Implementation Icon


I put the optimized strategies into action. Whether it's tweaking your website, improving the user interface, or enhancing your conversion funnel, I ensure seamless implementation for consistent quality.

Continuous Monitoring

Continuous Monitoring

My work doesn't end with implementation. I continuously monitor the performance of your optimized elements, tracking key metrics and analyzing user behavior to make data-driven decisions.

Testing & Optimization Icon

Analysis and Reporting

At the end of each CRO cycle, I provide detailed reports highlighting key performance indicators and improvements achieved. These insights offer a transparent view of the results and inform my future strategies.

This Year’s Awsome Facts

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Benefits of Hiring Naman Modi for CRO

When you choose Naman Modi for your Conversion Rate Optimization needs, you unlock a host of advantages tailored to meet your brand’s unique requirements and aspirations.

Tailored Proposal Agreementn

Tailored Solutions

I understand that every brand is unique. As a Freelance Conversion Optimization Experts, I specialize in providing customized solutions that align perfectly with your brand's goals and audience.

Cost Effective Icon

Cost-Effective Excellence

Quality optimization shouldn't come at a high price. I offer cost-effective CRO services that deliver exceptional value without compromising on quality. Expect to see higher conversions without breaking the bank.

Direct Communication

Direct Communication

Efficient communication is significant successful partnership. With me, you benefit from direct, transparent communication throughout the collaboration. Your understanding of my strategies, progress, and results is my priority.

Years Experience 1

Years of Expertise

With years of experience in the field, I bring a wealth of knowledge to every project. My expertise spans various industries, ensuring that my strategies are not only effective but also up-to-date with industry trends.

Client schedules

Flexibility to Align with Your Schedule

I understand that your schedule and needs may change. That's why I offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing me to adapt my strategies to meet your evolving requirements. Your success remains my top priority, and I’m ready to adjust my course to ensure I achieve it.

Flexible Hiring Models

I understand that every business is unique, and that's why I offer two distinct hiring models to cater to your specific needs.


 Under this model, I agree on a fixed price for your Conversion Rate Optimization project. You’ll know the cost upfront, making budgeting straightforward.


  • Predictable Costs: The fixed price ensures you know exactly what you’ll pay, making it easier to manage your budget.
  • Clear Scope: The scope of work is well-defined, reducing the chances of unexpected changes or additional costs.
  • Ideal for Specific Projects: It’s perfect for projects with well-defined requirements and limited scope.


With the hourly model, you pay for the time our experts, including my Freelance Conversion Optimization Experts, dedicate to your project. This model provides flexibility and can be ideal for ongoing or evolving projects.


  • Flexibility: Pay only for the hours worked, making it suitable for projects with evolving needs.
  • Adaptability: Easily adjust the project scope or direction as your requirements change.
  • Cost-Effective: Especially beneficial for long-term projects where the workload may vary.

Client Testimonials: Impact of my CRO Services

Discover what clients are saying about my services as a freelance CRO specialist. Their feedback highlights the quality and value I bring to each project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I conduct in-depth analysis to identify areas that can be optimized to improve conversion rates.

I conduct data-driven research and analysis to create a customized CRO strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Yes, I perform A/B tests and multivariate tests to evaluate different variations and determine what works best for your audience.

Absolutely, I can design and optimize CTAs that encourage user actions and improve conversion rates.

I optimize UX and UI to align with user expectations and provide a seamless and engaging experience, ultimately improving conversions.

I analyze user data to segment audiences and create personalized experiences that improve conversion rates.

I provide regular reports with metrics like conversion rates, click-through rates, user engagement, and ROI to track performance.

Clients can contact me through contact form to discuss their website or app, goals, and budget. We’ll set up an initial consultation to begin.

Yes, I specialize in CRO for e-commerce and can optimize product pages, checkout processes, and more for better conversion rates.

Yes, I conduct competitor analysis to identify areas where your website or app can outperform your competitors.

Contact Naman Modi - Your Freelance CRO Specialist

Don't hesitate to reach out, and let's discuss how I can optimize your conversions and boost your business's success. Whether you need a Freelance CRO Specialist for a specific project or ongoing support, I’m here to help you achieve your goals.

Contact Book a Consultation